Friday, February 8, 2008

Some amazing photos

Week in Photos: 3-D Mars Volcano, Whaling, Chinese New Year (Pictures)
The solar system's tallest mountain—the Martian volcano Olympus Mons, which stands about three times as tall as Mount Everest—is seen here in unprecedented 3-D detail
Week in Photos: 3-D Mars Volcano, Whaling, Chinese New Year (Pictures)
A minke whale and possibly its calf are dragged up a ramp of the Japanese whaling ship Yushin Maru No. 2 in the oceans surrounding Antarctica.
Week in Photos: 3-D Mars Volcano, Whaling, Chinese New Year (Pictures)
Lanterns evoking the upcoming Beijing Olympics decorate the industrial port city of Tianjin for the Chinese New Year, which began on February 7.
Week in Photos: 3-D Mars Volcano, Whaling, Chinese New Year (Pictures)
The tiny moon Enceladus seems poised to bounce off Saturn's rings in a new image from NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

Week in Photos: 3-D Mars Volcano, Whaling, Chinese New Year (Pictures)
A boy sits on a Styrofoam board as a truck passes through a flooded street the Indonesian capital. (NGC)

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